
The BigSMILES will be parsed into an abstract syntax tree. There are 3 classes of nodes:

  • root node: BigSMILES
  • intermediate nodes: StochasticObject, StochasticFragment, Branch
  • leaf nodes: BondDescriptorAtom, Atom, Bond

BigSMILE objects (Atom, Bond, BondingDescriptor, Branch, StochasticFragment, StochasticObject, BigSMILES) only holds data.


Creation of these objects are handled by the 'Constructor' methods.

The figure shows the data objects and links to other data objects. The arrows point from 'parent' objects to 'child' objects. Meaning Reaction --> BigSMILES means that you will find attributes in Reaction that are BigSMILES objects.

classDiagram class Reaction { reactants: [BigSMILES] agents: [BigSMILES] products: [BigSMILES] } class BigSMILES { nodes: [Atom, Bond, Branch, StochasticObject] atoms: [Atom] bonds: [Bond] rings: [Bond] } class StochasticObject { nodes: [StochasticFragment] bond_left: Bond bond_right: Bond bond_descriptors: BondDescriptor } class StochasticFragment { nodes: [Atom, Bond, Branch, StochasticObject] rings: [Bond] } class Branch { nodes: [Atom, Bond, Branch, StochasticObject] } class BondDescriptorAtom { BondDescriptor: descriptor Bond: bond } class BondDescriptor { instances: list[BondDescriptorAtom] } class Bond { atom1: Atom atom2 Atom } class Atom { bonds: list[Bond]: } Reaction --|> BigSMILES BigSMILES --|> Atom BigSMILES --|> Bond BigSMILES --|> Branch BigSMILES --|> StochasticObject StochasticObject --|> StochasticFragment StochasticObject --|> BondDescriptor StochasticFragment --|> BondDescriptorAtom BondDescriptor --|> BondDescriptorAtom StochasticFragment --|> Atom StochasticFragment --|> Bond StochasticFragment --|> Branch StochasticFragment --|> StochasticObject Branch --|> BondDescriptorAtom Branch --|> StochasticObject Branch --|> Bond Branch --|> Atom